Lawn and garden pests are the most notorious problems of enthusiasts, collectors, and farmers. They cause detrimental effects to crops, plants, and grasses leading to lower-income and increased maintenance costs. While lawn and garden pests have their differences, these creatures work hand in hand to cause peril in the environment.
Some pests cause more damage than others. This is why farmers and gardeners do whatever it takes to prevent, if not eliminate infestation. Experts recommend getting to know common lawn and garden pests to gather insights on the proper ways to control them. Here are the most notorious pests you should know.
Grubs or Beetle Larvae
These creatures are more common in the spring, summer, and fall. Grubs are plump, C-shaped larvae that feast on the grassroots below the soil’s surface. You’ll know that you have a grub infestation if you observe wilted grass blades and spongy turfs that eventually leads to turf patches. If grub infestations are taken for granted, the damage will become extensive. Simple pest control will no longer cut nor control their population.
Army Worms
From the name itself, armyworms work in groups to forage food. In the process, they cause extensive damage to lawns and gardens. Many people believe that these pests only feed on grass blades. Little do they know that armyworms can skeletonize plant leaves as well. They cause bare spots in lawns and kill every plant they get in contact with. Without attention, you will lose a significant amount of income and will incur expensive maintenance costs for your garden and lawn.
Japanese beetles
These creatures target both the lawn and the garden. They feed on leaves, flowers, grass blades, and fruits. With their existence, your plants will start to wither and will eventually die. To spot Japanese beetles, watch out for insects with metallic green heads and copper-brown wing covers. You can handpick these insects as you spot them. However, don’t focus on manually eliminating these creatures. Rather, concentrate on the sources of infestation to eliminate their breeding grounds and cut the infestation for good.
Chinch bugs
There are several types of chinch bugs that infest lawns and gardens. Whatever it is, these creatures cause detrimental effects on the lawn and garden. They are responsible for sucking the sap of plants and grass blades, leaving them to wither and die. Watch out for these insects from June to September when their feeding activity is at its peak. You might observe irregular patches on your lawn or yellow, wilting plants in the garden. If you see these signs, upscale your pest management techniques to prevent any more damage around you.
Seeing the damages they bring, it is important to understand different methods to eliminate them. Manual picking is an effective way to eliminate pests in action. However, this does not cut infestation. The best way to eliminate them is to maintain a clean lawn or garden. Most insects hide during the daylight and feed during the night. They rely on clutter and tall grass blades to hide them from the painful rays of the sun. Eliminate these to make your home unattractive to various pests. It also pays off to regularly mow the lawn to keep the grass blades short. Aside from being an effective pest prevention strategy, it is essential to keep your grasses lush and healthy.
Another method to eliminate pests is using treatments such as essential oils or low impact insecticides. While synthetic chemicals are more effective to kill pests, they are more harmful to humans and the environment.
They cause an imbalance in the ecosystem because they kill beneficial insects along with the bad ones. Before you use insecticides, make sure that you no longer have other options. In milder infestations, you can still use essential oils for treatment. If you have a lawn sprayer, lace the water with essential oils such as tea tree oil and lavender oil.
Call a professional near you that specializes in pest management. This is the most cost-effective strategy for pest management. With their help, they can apply pest control procedures safely and effectively. It is the most competent and reliable strategy for pest elimination and prevention.
Now, do you see how detrimental the effects of pests are? If you’re experiencing any form of infestation, the first thing to do is get to know the species and apply the necessary procedures to eliminate them. Better yet, call for a pest expert that can do the job more effectively for you.